Lake Chapel - recover the historic dome
The illustrious history of San Giovanni in Val di Lago, cloaked in centuries of dust, reveals its significance as a pivotal stop on the pilgrimage route from Canterbury in England, traversing through France and Switzerland, leading to Rome and then on to Apulia—the embarkation point for the Holy Land. In light of this historical context, the primary design proposition envisions the intervention of a late Renaissance church with modern materials in a manner reminiscent of ancient traditions.
Inspired by the dual-centre organisation observed in a variety of church structures, including octagonal and spherical domes, our design strategy centres on recreating the dual dome within its historical context, albeit in a contemporary fashion. Timber emerges as the primary material choice, not only for its ease of acquisition but also for its ability to reverse the building process. The double-layered dome, a modern reinterpretation, not only casts a resplendent shadow within the chapel but also serves as a natural shelter from rain while allowing for natural ventilation.
The renovated chapel is repurposed as a sacred space for religious ceremonies and classical music concerts, honouring its original design intent. Adjacent to the church, a small hub is proposed for pilgrims, forming a quaint outdoor amphitheatre—a space for communal gatherings and worship. This design seeks to seamlessly blend the old and the new, paying homage to the rich history of San Giovanni in Val di Lago while breathing new life into its sacred spaces.
San Giovanni in Val di Lago, Italy
ReUse Italy
Concept Design
Team: William Hailiang Chen, Yunxi Wu
Competition Entry